Big Dream

Big Dream means the compelling desire to breathe new life into those forgotten textiles that have lingered in my mind for years, finally transforming them into unique and unrepeatable pieces.

This collection, entirely handcrafted locally in Barcelona, follows a traditional process that ranges from hand-drawing sketches to mannequin modeling and pattern making. The vintage fabrics with Galician roots, once rejected and stored in oblivion, are recovered in a sustainable reuse process.

Big Dream is more than a collection; it is a manifesto of creativity, sustainability, and craftsmanship. Each garment tells a story, inviting you to a world where the forgotten becomes extraordinary and where every detail reflects a unique fusion of tradition and modernity.


Big from “Big Heads, (2013),” is a project by Mónica Sánchez along with three other artists. Mónica, an architect and photographer, creates her own 3D head thanks to a fleeting internet application, transforming the digital into a tangible paper model. This process, which goes from virtual to real, captures the essence of digital decontextualization and turns it into a living muse. Mónica transforms into her own creation, symbolizing the union of technology and craftsmanship.

Dream symbolizes the rebirth of mostly elaborate and printed fabrics that have been dormant for over 15 years. These vintage textiles, dismissed during my fashion school training, awaited their moment in warehouses and among remnants from store closures. Upholstery and home textiles, unique pieces that were once part of forgotten inventories, now come to life in this capsule collection. Dream celebrates the magic of turning the discarded into something desired, transforming the old into contemporary. In each garment, vintage textiles meet modern designs, creating a conversation between past and present and setting a new standard in artisanal, sustainable, and exclusive fashion.